パラブーツを代表するUチップモデル「CHAMBORD(シャンボード)」。ぽってりとした丸みのあるフォルムのUチップはフランス靴を代表とするデザインです。拝みモカと呼ばれるモカ部分をつまんで縫う製法を採用しています。オリジナルの「TEX SOLE」は、濡れた路面でも滑りづらく、クッション性に優れ、耐久性が高いのが特長です。カジュアルからジャケットスタイルまで、様々なスタイルにマッチする汎用性の高いデザインです。
Paraboot, CHAMBORD / NOIR, 2023/12/18English
CHAMBORD” is a U-tip model representing Paraboot. The U-tip with a chunky, rounded form is a typical design of French shoes. The mocca part is pinched and sewn by a manufacturing method called “Worshipful Mocca”. The original “TEX SOLE” is characterized by its excellent cushioning and durability, as well as its resistance to slipping even on wet surfaces. The versatile design matches a variety of styles, from casual to jacket styles. [英訳]
着用感・サイズ感 (Wearability and size)
Size is omitted because we believe that shoes MUST be purchased after actually trying them on. However, the author’s feet are wide and have a low instep.
Even if the size of my foot is just right, I often find that the wings are not fully closed, and the inside of the shoe is usually gouged at the little toe. Also, when I wear new leather shoes, the area between the first and second joints of my thumb is usually torn up. For reference.
- 履き心地が非常に良く、長距離歩くならスニーカーよりも個人的には楽。重さが程よくライナーが柔らかいため歩いても疲れにくく、ヘビーユースしている内のひとつ。
- ジャストサイズで購入した後、しばらく履くとインナーソールが沈んで中敷きが必要になる。もともと少し開いていた羽根が完全に閉じても尚余るくらいには沈む。が、筆者は少しダボっとした状態のまま履いている。
- 側面が意外と高く、履き始めは踝が擦れて痛かった。その時の血痕が今でも残っている。
- 筆者が購入した時は表面に蝋が残っており、それを落とす所からだったので本当に新品を履いている感じがして嬉しかったのを覚えている。特に、革靴を買い始めて3足目くらいで購入したので思い出はひとしお。
- 緑色のタグが付いておりトレードマークなのだが、磨く時に邪魔で筆者は切ってしまった。今思えば思い切ったことをしたと思うが、それでも特に愛着が減るようなことは無かった。
- Uチップの部分は当然破れる。Uチップとはそういうものなので気にしていない。筆者は革細工を趣味でやっていた時期があり修復を試みたこともあるが、結局上手くできず破れたまま。
- ソールがかなりしっかりしており、購入して5年以上履いているがまだ交換には出していない。
- 会社に行くのにはもちろんプライベートでも愛用しており、省庁との面談や結婚式など限られた場合を除けば大抵の場所に履いて行ける。ちなみに筆者はこれで1日に15km歩いたことがある。
- 革自体もそこそこ頑丈で多少のことでは傷は付かず、付いても目立ちにくい。
- ソールが厚いので雨の日も安心して履くことができる。
- CHAMBORD” is a U-tip model representing Paraboot. The U-tip with a chunky, rounded form is a typical design of French shoes. The mocca part is pinched and sewn by a manufacturing method called “Worshipful Mocca”. The original “TEX SOLE” is characterized by its excellent cushioning and durability, as well as its resistance to slipping even on wet surfaces. The versatile design matches a variety of styles, from casual to jacket styles. [1] They are very comfortable to wear and are personally easier than sneakers if you are walking long distances. The weight is moderate and the liner is soft, so it is not tiring to walk in them, and they are one of my heavy favorites.
- After purchasing a pair in the correct size, after wearing them for a while, the inner sole sinks and an insole becomes necessary. The innersole sinks so much that there is still enough room even when the wings, which were originally a little open, are completely closed. However, the author wears them in a slightly loose-fitting state.
- The sides are surprisingly high, and when I first started wearing them, my ankles rubbed against them and it hurt. The blood stain from that time still remains.
- When the author bought the shoes, there was wax left on the surface, which had to be removed first, so I remember how happy I was to feel like I was really wearing new shoes. I remember how happy I was to feel like I was wearing brand new shoes, especially since it was the third pair of leather shoes I had bought since I started buying leather shoes.
- They had a green tag on them, which was a trademark, but I cut it off because it got in the way when I was polishing them. Looking back, I think it was a drastic thing to do, but it didn’t make me feel less attached to them.
- The U-tip part is naturally torn, but I don’t mind because that’s what U-tips are for. I used to be a leatherworker as a hobby and tried to repair them, but I couldn’t get it right in the end and they remained torn.
- The soles are quite solid, and I have not sent them in for replacement yet, even though I have been wearing them for more than five years since I bought them.
- I love them for going to the office as well as for private use, and I can wear them to most places except for limited occasions such as meetings with ministries and weddings. Incidentally, the author has walked 15 km a day in them.
- 革自体もそこそこ頑丈で多少のことでは傷は付かず、付いても目立ちにくい。
- ソールが厚いので雨の日も安心して履くことができる。
結論 (Conclusion)
This is one of the pairs that I use quite heavily. They are comfortable, relatively sturdy, and can be worn in almost any situation without getting tired.I honestly don’t think there are many shoes that are more useful than these. A must-buy.
By the way, my wife loves Michael.
ISETAN MEN’S net, 【完全保存版!ブランド徹底ガイド】vol.6|パラブーツ, 2023/12/19English
Paraboot was founded in France in 1908 by Remy Richard Ponvert. Today, Paraboot is one of the few shoe manufacturers in the world that manufactures its own soles, and it continues to attract customers around the world with its high quality and comfortable footwear. [2]