FLEX Elastech
独自開発したElastech™生地でママとパパ、赤ちゃんみんなに新次元の心地よさを。サイズコントロール機能で更に使いやすい。Konny, コニー抱っこ紐FLEX Elastech™, 2023/12/14English
All-season Cony Cuddles for the whole family
New dimension of comfort for mom, dad and baby with our proprietary Elastech™ fabric. The size control function makes it even easier to use. [英訳]
使用感 (Feelings)
- 何万円もする抱っこ紐は子どもが生まれてからという思いと、これで済むならこれで済ませようという思いで購入した。
- 慣れるまでは付け方に戸惑うし合っているのか確証が持てないので結構不安だった。実際新生児の時期に足を中にいれて抱くと苦しそうな声を上げるので余計に心配だった。
- これで本当に落ちないのか正直信用できず且つ筆者が購入した当初は頭のサポートは無かったため、結局新生児の間は子供の頭とお尻を常に支えていて両手が塞がってしまっていた。新生児を終えて足を出して抱けるようになるとお尻が落ちる心配は無くなったので少し楽になった。
- 肩から腕に掛けて布を掛ける必要があるため、上からアウターを羽織るのが難しい。羽織れないことは無いが、少なくとも一人では羽織れないし、腕と肩が圧迫されて1時間程散歩しただけで肩がもげるのではと思う程に痛くなる。痛くなるのは、肩から腕に掛けて布を掛けるために肩が内巻きになることが原因と思われ、正直姿勢を崩す原因にもなりかねないと思う。
- 家で寝かしつけるのに使えるという話だが、筆者は結局上手く使える様にはならなかったので、下ろす時にもたついて上手く寝かしつけられないだろう。
- I bought this baby carrier because I wanted to wait until after my child was born to buy a baby carrier that would cost tens of thousands of yen, and I thought if I could get away with it, I would use it.
- Until I got used to it, I was quite anxious because I was confused about how to put it on and could not be sure whether it was right or not. In fact, I was even more worried when I held my newborn baby with his/her legs inside the strap, because he/she would scream in pain.
- I honestly did not trust that the baby would not fall out, and when I first purchased the baby carrier, it did not have a head support, so I ended up having to constantly support the baby’s head and buttocks while he was newborn, which meant that my hands were full. After the newborn was finished and I was able to hold him with his legs out, I no longer had to worry about his bottom falling off, which made it a little easier.
- It is difficult to wear outerwear over the top because the cloth needs to be draped from the shoulders to the arms. It is not impossible to wear it, but at least I can’t wear it alone. My arms and shoulders are so compressed that my shoulders hurt to the point that I think they are going to give way after just an hour’s walk. The pain is probably due to the fact that the cloth is draped from the shoulder to the arm so that the shoulder is rolled inward, which I honestly believe can cause postural problems.
- I’ve heard that it can be used for tucking in at home, but I never learned to use it well, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to tuck it in well because of the fumbling when I take it down.
結論 (Conclusion)
If you want to walk around with your child every day from the time he is a newborn like the author, this is not a force to be reckoned with. Especially in winter. I bought BabyBjorn’s Harmony when my child was 1.5 months old, and the difference in performance was so obvious that I wish I had bought BabyBjorn from the beginning.
I often hear that BabyBjorn can be used in the house, but since I am a man, I don’t need a baby carrier to carry my baby around the house, and I can carry him in my arms for an hour or so.
In conclusion, it was a great help until I bought BabyBjorn, but it was too expensive for a connection.