Danner Light II Cedar Rainbow
Ortholite®カップインソールが優れたクッション性を提供。安定感を重視した広いプラットフォームにはVibram®クレッターリフトを採用し高いグリップと耐摩耗性を確保。Danner, DANNER FIELD, 2023/12/22English
The Danner Field debuts from the Outdoor line.
The Danner Field is made of GORE-TEX®, a highly waterproof and breathable material. The specifications are designed to withstand inclement weather, and are extremely effective on trails, camping, and other outdoor activities.
Loops are used at the top of the hardware to simplify the process of “tightening and loosening laces. Leather lining top for added strength.
Ortholite® cup insole provides superior cushioning. Vibram® Cretar Lift on the wide platform for stability, high grip and abrasion resistance.
着用感・サイズ感 (Wearability and size)
Size is omitted because we believe that shoes MUST be purchased after actually trying them on. However, the author’s feet are wide and have a low instep.
Even if the size of my foot is just right, I often find that the wings are not fully closed, and the inside of the shoe is usually gouged at the little toe. Also, when I wear new leather shoes, the area between the first and second joints of my thumb is usually torn up. For reference.
- 筆者が購入したのはDanner Light II Cedar Rainbowだが、現在は存在しない様なので上記写真はDANNER FIELDのものを参照。Danner Light IIからデザイン以外で何がことなるのかは不明。
- 学生の頃にタウンユース兼アウトドア用のブーツが欲しくて購入した。2万円を超えるような靴を購入したのはこれが初めて。
- アウトドア用としては、富士山や八ヶ岳の登山に利用した。そういうものではないとよくネットでは見るが、全く問題はなかった。ちなみに八ヶ岳の登山ルートは観音平から編笠岳、権現岳、キレット小屋を抜け、鎖場を抜けて赤岳に至るルート。当時は若かったので体力があれば縦走しようとか言っていたが、富士山を除けば初登山だったので流石に難しく、赤岳で一泊して八ヶ岳山荘の方に下山した。
- タウンユースとしても比較的登山靴感も無い方なので違和感なく履ける。
- 紐を締める時にヒール裏まで一周回して締めるからか、ヒールの中の型が割れてしまったが大きな違和感などはなかった。5年程履いて一度オールソールした際にその当たりも修復してもらったので今は再び問題なく履けている。
- DANNER FIELDは上までホールに紐を通すが、Danner Light IIは上3か所は紐を引っ掛けるだけなので紐を締める・緩めるが非常に楽で脱ぎ履きしやすい。慣れると結ぶ時以外は片手でできる。
- 登山から何からかなりハードに履いていたので色々と削れているが、特に問題になる様な破損は発生していない。
- I purchased the Danner Light II Cedar Rainbow, but it does not seem to exist anymore, so the above photo is from Danner Field.
- This is the first pair of boots that I bought when I was a student because I wanted a pair of boots for town use and outdoor use.
- For outdoor use, I used them for climbing Mt. Fuji and Yatsugatake. I often see on the Internet that they are not made for that, but I had no problem at all. Incidentally, the Yatsugatake climbing route goes from Kannon-daira to Hengagasa-dake, Gongen-dake, and Kiretto hut, through a chain-link passage to Aka-dake. Fuji, it was the first time for me to climb a mountain, so I stayed overnight at Akadake and descended to the Yatsugatake mountain lodge.
- I can wear them as town use shoes without feeling uncomfortable because they don’t have the feeling of mountaineering shoes.
- I wore them for about 5 years and when I had them all-soled, they were repaired, so now I can wear them again without any problem.
- DANNER FIELD has a hole to the top for laces, but Danner Light II has only three places to hook the laces on the top, so it is very easy to tighten/loosen the laces and easy to put on/take off. Once you get used to it, you can do it with one hand except when tying.
- The Danner Light IIs have been worn so hard from mountain climbing and other activities that they have been chipped in various ways, but there has been no damage that would cause any problems.
結論 (Conclusion)
It’s been over 10 years since I bought them and I still wear them whenever I go to a hard environment. They are great for shining and polishing, for town use, or for outdoor use while being torn to shreds, no matter where I go.
Founded in 1932. The company developed America’s first mountaineering shoes with Vibram soles (1952), and later developed shoes with Gore-Tex (1979), which firmly established the company’s position. The company’s Mountain Trail (now Mountain Lite) was recognized as the best hiking boot in 1961.