洗練された襟型、立体的な構造のパターンにより、ミニマルなデザインに美しいシルエットが映える一着です。ブランドのシグニチャーであるゴム引き素材の持つオーセンティックなムードはそのままに、透湿性、撥水性の機能が加わりドライクリーニングも可能となっています。\169,400。MACKINTOSH, DUNKELD FAWN | DUNKELD MIDJ09, 2023/12/10English
The “Dunkeld” is Mackintosh’s signature model.
The sophisticated collar and three-dimensional construction of the pattern give this piece a minimalist design with a beautiful silhouette. The authentic mood of the brand’s signature rubberized material has been retained, while moisture permeability and water repellency have been added, and it is dry-cleanable.[英訳]
着用感・サイズ感 (Wearability and size)
The author is 171 cm tall, weighs 73 kg, and is generally well-fleshed, which often calls into question his sports experience. The author purchased a size 38.
- 人生初のゴム引きコート。まだ雨の日には利用していませんが、風を通さないのは実感として分かる。湿気も通さないのでちょっと暑い日に誤って着て出てしまうと結構だるい。
- 筆者は三陽商会のファミリーセールで購入したが、その時比較したのはSANYOOATの100年コート。個人的には100年コートの方が気になっていたが、身丈が長く脛くらいまであり短足な筆者が着ると非常に不格好になった。
- DUNKELDは膝上くらいまでの身丈で短足な筆者が着てもあまり違和感が無く、生地もゴム引きだからかパリッとしておりカジュアルな服にもかなり合わせやすい。(ファミリーセール最終日にまさかのピッタリサイズが1着だけ残っていたので縁だと思って奮発して購入した。定価の半値程だった。)
- ポケット・袖等の内側はゴムテープが張られており、最初は正直鬱陶しく、ポケットの内側はテープの境目を触るとちょっとべた付くのが微妙。(ファミリーセール品だからかも知れない)
- ウールのライナーが付いており多少防寒機能はあるが、飽くまで風除け程度で考える方が良く、真冬に着るかと聞かれるとスーツの上に羽織るなら有りだが、プライベートでは着ないと思う。
- コートなので多少のゆとりがあり、ジャケットや厚手のセーターぐらいは着込むことができる。
- 生地が固いので電車通勤で座席に座る時に広がって座りにくい。結構座りにくい。同じ理由でコート掛けの無い居酒屋で飲む時のお荷物感は凄まじい。
- 着た雰囲気はやはりDUNKELD、カッコいい。前を開いて着ることが多いが、閉じても良い。
- This is the first rubber pull coat in my life. I haven’t used it on a rainy day yet, but I can feel that it keeps the wind out. It also doesn’t let moisture through, so it is quite lax if you accidentally wear it out on a slightly hot day.
- The author purchased it at Sanyo Shokai’s family sale, and compared it to SANYOOAT’s 100-year coat. Personally, I was more interested in the 100-year coat, but it was longer and reached to my shins, which was very unfashionable for a short-legged person like me.
- The DUNKELD coat is about knee-length, so it does not look uncomfortable even if I wear it, and the fabric is crisp and easy to match with casual clothes, probably because it is made of rubber. (On the last day of the family sale, there was only one piece left in a size that fit me perfectly, so I took it as a good omen and bought it. It was about half the regular price.)
- The inside of the pockets, sleeves, etc. are covered with elastic tape, which was honestly depressing at first, and the inside of the pockets are a little sticky when you touch the border of the tape. (This may be because it was a family sale item.)
- It has a wool liner to keep out the cold, but it is better to think of it as a windshield. If you ask me if I would wear it in the middle of winter, I would say yes if I wore it over a suit, but I would not wear it in my private life.
- It is a coat, so it is somewhat roomy and can be worn with a jacket or a heavy sweater.
- The fabric is hard, so when sitting on a seat on the train to work, it spreads out and is difficult to sit on. It is quite difficult to sit down. For the same reason, I feel like a burden when drinking at a pub that does not have a coat rack.
- The atmosphere when I wear it is still “Dunkeld,” which is cool. I often wear it with the front open, but you can also wear it closed.
結論 (Conclusion)
In my honest opinion, it is a fashionable wear with patience, not a functional or easy-to-use item. However, it has a high level of prestige as fashionable wear. Even the author, who is not really interested in fashion, can see that it is very prestigious.
It is sure to be an overwhelming force to be reckoned with when you have to look cool as a company employee.
Traditional Weatherwear (デイリーウェアー), MACKINTOSH PHILOSOPHY (セカンドライン), MACKINTOSH LONDON (ライセンスレーベル)などの別ラインも有する。